Year: 2016
Embracing the Christmas spirit this year

Embracing the Christmas spirit this year

As Christmas approaches, I haven't seen or heard much stressing about having so much to do and so little time. Yes, it's been a busy term with lots of things going on, and the big day is looming, but it seems people around me are embracing the Christmas spirit and all...

On marketing and selling your story

On marketing and selling your story

I went to a business networking meeting last week where there was a talk about marketing and selling your story. It involved some group discussion as the presenter talked us through the seven P's, namely: passion, principles, purpose, personality, position, people and...

Reflecting on my fortieth year

Reflecting on my fortieth year

As I approach the end of the year and another birthday, I can’t help thinking what a crazy one it’s been. I wasn’t looking forward to turning 40 last year. As you may know, I kicked and screamed my way in to the next decade and I was determined to make the most of it...

Remembering Jo Cox and all she stood for

Remembering Jo Cox and all she stood for

On the day that Thomas Mair was convicted of the murder of MP Jo Cox, I'm heartened to see so much positivity about her life and what she stood for. Jo's amazing, brave sister, Kim talked about continuing Jo's legacy of compassion, tolerance, acceptance and...

A copywriting milestone

A copywriting milestone

I'm celebrating a work anniversary - five years at Nicola Young Copywriter. That's according to LinkedIn anyway and the lovely followers who sent me a message of congratulations on the day. This milestone passed me by because I've been copywriting for much longer than...

The dreaded editing process

The dreaded editing process

Writing a story is the fun part. If I have a story idea, it burns a hole in my head until I can get it out. Fingers connect to keyboard and the circuit is complete to let those words flow through. Then I get to the end and congratulate myself on a job well done....

Writing a middle grade manuscript

Writing a middle grade manuscript

I have exciting news from Nikki Young Writes and I've been bursting to share it. My first book is going to be published soon! Many of you who follow this blog will know I spent a lot of last year working on my young adult manuscript. I finished a second draft and...

Book review – Oy Yew, by Ana Salote

Book review – Oy Yew, by Ana Salote

Oy is a waif. Except he doesn't know it. He doesn't know anything about who he is or where he came from. Hiding out in the back alley of a bakery is all he has ever known, until he is captured. When the waif-snatchers ensnare him in their net and deliver him into the...

Some things you may or may not know about me

Some things you may or may not know about me

As a blogger, I share a lot about the things going on in my life, both the good and bad, but you don't always get to hear the background stuff; the bits that most probably shaped my life and made me the person I am today. In response to a challenge from Renee at Mummy...

Outdoor garden fun

Outdoor garden fun

Who needs expensive day trips when you can get outdoors and have fun in your own garden? Well, that's what I said this morning and my two little ones looked at me as though I'd gone loopy for even making that suggestion. Regardless of what they may have thought, I...

British Summer – what summer?

British Summer – what summer?

I know everyone has a lot on their minds at the moment, what with the political and social meltdown that is consuming our everyday lives (and our Facebook feed). However, I have a problem I'd like your help with and I admit that it's in no way up there on the scale of...

Executive PA required, immediate start

Executive PA required, immediate start

How do you manage your family's social calendar? I don't know what's gotten in to me at the moment, but I can't seem to stay on top of the family's social calendar. I don't work as an executive PA in the real world for a reason, I suck at it. Tell me, what more can I...

Manuscript planning

Manuscript planning

This is my work station at the moment. When I get time to work on my fiction writing, that is. It's been too lovely to sit at a desk staring at the wall. I'd much rather be in the kitchen, looking out over the garden, lush and green as it is at the moment. I'm...