Guest Authors
Friday Fiction – The Outsider, by Emily Organ

Friday Fiction – The Outsider, by Emily Organ

Welcome to Friday Fiction. I'm excited to have guest author, Emily Organ taking over this post today with an extract of her new book, The Outsider. I hope you enjoy reading it. Don't forget the link is open as usual, so it would be lovely to read and share your own...

A Hero For Jessica – Friday Fiction

A Hero For Jessica – Friday Fiction

Welcome to Friday Fiction. Today, guest author Pamela Thibodeaux provides an extract from her book, A Hero for Jessica. The link is open, as usual, for you to add your own work and read and comment on others'. He arose as usual on Saturday morning at five-thirty and...

The Last Day – Friday Fiction

The Last Day – Friday Fiction

I'm delighted to have guest author, Emily Organ sharing an extract from her book The Last Day, for Friday Fiction this week. The link is open as usual, for you to share your own work, comment on others' and hopefully gain some feedback and ideas. George walked towards...

Choices – Pamela Thibodeaux, on Friday Fiction

Choices – Pamela Thibodeaux, on Friday Fiction

Welcome to Friday Fiction. Today guest author Pamela Thibodeaux provides an extract from her book, Choices. Please use the frog link below if you would like to join in and add your own story to share. Camie's heart throbbed with excitement as she waited to be escorted...

Song of the Sea God – by Chris Hill

Song of the Sea God – by Chris Hill

My Friday Fiction guest this week is author, Chris Hill. He has kindly provided an extract from his book, 'Song of the Sea God'. I remember the moment I died. The end came subdued, like a doctor on call. There was no sensation. Feelings belonged to a different world -...

Cathy’s Angel

Cathy’s Angel

This week's Friday Fiction guest author is Pamela S Thibodeaux, with an excerpt from her novel, Cathy's Angel. The link is open as usual if you would like to add your own story (published or unpublished). Just follow the link at the bottom of this post. Alternatively...

Take me Tomorrow – Shannon Thompson

Take me Tomorrow – Shannon Thompson

Shannon Thompson is back on Friday Fiction again today. She has kindly provided an excerpt from her brand new book, Take me Tomorrow. You read it here first! The link is open as usual if you would like to add your own story (published or unpublished). Just follow the...

Eeek! The Runaway Alien – by Karen Inglis

Eeek! The Runaway Alien – by Karen Inglis

World Cup fever hits outer space! I'm delighted to have guest author, Karen Inglis provide an extract from her book, Eeek! The Runaway Alien this week. We're big fans of Karen's books in our house. I hope you enjoy this too. Now I knew Eeek was a runaway alien, many...

Friday Fiction – Fallen Leaves by Tina Gayle

Friday Fiction – Fallen Leaves by Tina Gayle

This week I warmly welcome author Tina Gayle, who has kindly provided an extract of her latest book, Fallen Leaves. The link is open as usual, for you to add your own story. Alternatively, if you would like to submit an excerpt to appear on this blog post, please...