Month: January 2014
Friday Fiction – Part 1

Friday Fiction – Part 1

The first thing I remembered when I opened my eyes was the complete darkness, not even a speck of light to allow my eyes to adjust. I wondered if I was blind as I rubbed at my eyes, willing them to see. I searched my mind trying to work out how I had gotten there, but...

What Is A Copywriter, Anyway?

What Is A Copywriter, Anyway?

Not to be confused with ‘copyright’, which according to the Collins English Dictionary is ‘exclusive legal right to reproduce and control a book, work of art etc,’ a copywriter, in its broadest sense, is a person who writes ‘copy’ – text or words – for the commercial...

How Entertaining Our Children Has Changed

How Entertaining Our Children Has Changed

I grew up in the seventies.  We lived on a cul-de-sac, which was inhabited mainly by other families.  It was sheltered and it was safe.  Life was very different to today.  We went to school and we came straight home afterwards.  Our parents didn’t take us to after...

How Do You Deal With Your Children’s Friends?

How Do You Deal With Your Children’s Friends?

My son had a school friend back to play for the first time recently.  Within the first half hour this boy had hit my son in the face and made him cry.  Then for the next half hour, he tormented my son by taking his train and refusing to share, which resulted in them...

Liebster Blog Award Nominee

Liebster Blog Award Nominee

Yesterday I found out I had been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by Andrea, from Verbose, Morose & Comotose.  Typical, sceptical me didn't jump around the room with happiness, but rather I felt suspicious.  Was this some kind of set-up?  Is it an elaborate...

How Do You Organise Your Life?

How Do You Organise Your Life?

'You're so organised' people often say to me. 'Am I?' I tend to reply. Wondering just how they have come to this conclusion. For the most part I am the way I am because otherwise I would never survive running around after three children and trying to work in between...

Nutrition & Well Being

Nutrition & Well Being

I went to a very interesting talk today at Starjumpz Children's Centre. It was about the link between gut health and emotional and physical well being. It has been scientifically proven time and time again that there is a connection between gut and mental health....

My Writing Goals For 2014

My Writing Goals For 2014

When my youngest son started school in September last year, I had a big shock. It turns out that the school day isn't actually very long at all. It certainly didn't give me the time that I thought it would. As a result, I'm busy everyday and before I know it, three...