On marketing and selling your story

On marketing and selling your story

I went to a business networking meeting last week where there was a talk about marketing and selling your story. It involved some group discussion as the presenter talked us through the seven P's, namely: passion, principles, purpose, personality, position, people and...

A copywriting milestone

A copywriting milestone

I'm celebrating a work anniversary - five years at Nicola Young Copywriter. That's according to LinkedIn anyway and the lovely followers who sent me a message of congratulations on the day. This milestone passed me by because I've been copywriting for much longer than...

The truth about being a writer in the digital age

The truth about being a writer in the digital age

What does it take to be a writer? You might think that all you need is an idea and the ability to put that idea into words. Well let me tell you, bloggers, writers and authors of today can't survive if all they can do is write. We have to be so much more than that....

Every Piece of Writing has its Own Place

Every Piece of Writing has its Own Place

I love writing this blog and I use it to discuss the things that are important to me. I also write articles that are more business related and at one point I tried to add these to this blog too. I soon realised that they don't really have a home here. My copywriting...

What Is A Copywriter, Anyway?

What Is A Copywriter, Anyway?

Not to be confused with ‘copyright’, which according to the Collins English Dictionary is ‘exclusive legal right to reproduce and control a book, work of art etc,’ a copywriter, in its broadest sense, is a person who writes ‘copy’ – text or words – for the commercial...