Month: July 2014
Song of the Sea God – by Chris Hill

Song of the Sea God – by Chris Hill

My Friday Fiction guest this week is author, Chris Hill. He has kindly provided an extract from his book, 'Song of the Sea God'. I remember the moment I died. The end came subdued, like a doctor on call. There was no sensation. Feelings belonged to a different world -...

Getting Back in the Dating Game

Getting Back in the Dating Game

‘So, I hear you have a date tonight,’ I said, when we were in Gina’s room.  ‘I’m guessing this is what the wardrobe emergency thing is all about then.’ Gina slumped down on the bed with a big sigh.  She looked miserable. ‘I don’t know why I’m doing this,’ she said. ...

The Life of the Commuter Ant

The Life of the Commuter Ant

The worker ant leaves his house early in the morning and marches, head down towards the station. At the end of his road, he turns sharp left and joins another worker ant who is heading in the same direction. This second ant does not acknowledge our worker ant because...

Cathy’s Angel

Cathy’s Angel

This week's Friday Fiction guest author is Pamela S Thibodeaux, with an excerpt from her novel, Cathy's Angel. The link is open as usual if you would like to add your own story (published or unpublished). Just follow the link at the bottom of this post. Alternatively...

This Month I Read…

This Month I Read…

Here is my monthly review of the books I've read. I'm linking up with muttering mummy's blog as usual. If you would like some suggestions of what to read I recommend you check it out. The One Dollar Horse - Lauren St. John Casey Blue's prospects in life aren't great....